Thursday, May 24, 2012

Advice and Encouragement


Before I write one more word, please allow me to tell you right here, up front, that effective encouragement can almost never be found in a web site!  There are some things that are best handled in person and on an individualized basis.   Encouragement is one of these things.

Advice, in a similar way, is best given to an individual by an individual who is informed about the advice being given and the needs of the person receiving that wisdom. 

For these reasons, this website does not pretend to offer advice and encouragement to individuals. But you will notice that at the top of this page there are some guidelines for you to read, should you find them of interest. These are generalized suggestions for all students.  From "how to write a term paper" to "how to conduct systematic research" to some general advice about your major. You can select one of those tabs and receive some general information and ideas. I hope they help.

That said, REAL advice and HELPFUL encouragement only come from the interaction of people.

So if you attend a school that values education, there is probably a long list of support services available to assist you with your major selection and to help you find answers to questions about academic progress.

If, on the other hand,  you attend one of those places that only masquerades as an educational institution (you know, so exclusive that they don't feel the need to educate, only to filter),then perhaps it might be in your best interest to find another school.   Again, this is only my opinion; and it is designed for the vast majority of students.

I hope there is something valuable here for you.

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